Welcome! I'm Ryan Vuong

  4th Year Computer Science Student @ UCLA
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About Me

I'm currently a fourth-year student studying Computer Science at UCLA. I enjoy working on fun and useful projects revolving around all aspects of CS. I particularly enjoy working with servers, games, machine learning, and embedded systems, but I'm always open to learning more about any technology.

I'm also passionate about teaching and providing education resources to anyone willing to learn. Whether it's through teaching Unity tutorials at ACM Studio at UCLA or tutoring high school students throughout the Los Angeles area with the Los Angeles Mentorship Program, it's difficult finding a more fulfilling way to spend my spare time.

Whatever free time I have left is often spent on playing chess, making games, and listening to music.

  • Python
  • C/C++
  • Java
  • C#
  • Javascript
  • AWS
  • Git
  • Unity


Music Proximity Mobile App

Full stack mobile application built with Flutter and Dart. Connects nearby users together by sharing their Spotify history. Built in CS 130 - Software Engineering.

Github Repo
Snowman-Themed 2D Platformer

Built a 2D platformer with Unity, coding in C# as part of ACM Game Studio's Winter Game Jam 2021.

Github Repo
Dungeon Action Terminal Game

Multi-level dungeon game built with C++. Levels are randomized, items, weapons, and monsters can be found. Win by picking up the golden idol.

Github Repo
Temperature Sensor

Temperature sensor code for BeagleBone Green IoT built in C. Data sent through TCP connection with TLS encryption. Accepts commands to change output.

Github Repo
Nearby Locations Program

Program built in Python utilizing the Google Places API to show nearby locations based on coordinates inputted. Server and client system built with Python's asyncio library.

Github Repo
Audio Manager

Audio manager built in C# for ACM Studio's 2021 Spring Showcase's Splekbot game.

Github Repo

Contact Me!

Expect a response within 48 hours!

 Email: rvuong2019@g.ucla.edu
 LinkedIn: ryanvuong1
 Github: RyanVuong
Website built by Ryan Vuong, source code here